Many grocery stores across the globe encounter the inevitable problem of long grocery checkout lines. Currently, the grocery industry cannot find an answer to this unambiguous problem. This is partially because cashiers have to scan and bag every item that the given individual is purchasing which can be quite time consuming and frustrating for customers. But what if this process was no longer necessary?
Each store could also sell their own cloth bags for those consumers who cannot provide their own. By following this method, stores would be able to cut expenditures tremendously and it would also be very constructive for the environment.
Yet another feature of the Grocery Gadget is coupon friendly options, meaning that once the cashier scans the barcode on the particular device all instore coupons are applied. Consumers would still be able to use other coupons from outside sources if they choose to do so and it will not affect the instore coupons already applied to their purchase. This would be very beneficial and convenient for those customers who are tired of clipping coupons and are still looking to save money on instore products.
- A blend of stevia sweetener and cane sugar that contains 75% fewer calories per serving than full-calorie sugar
- Bag contains 3 1/2 cups of Truvia Cane Sugar Blend that sweetens like 7 cups of full-calorie sugar
- 1/2 cup provides the same sweetness as 1 cup of sugar
- Gluten-free and kosher
- Bakes and browns like sugar
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Bear Naked Granola Honey Almold Each store could also sell their own cloth bags for those consumers who cannot provide their own